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Friday, November 17, 2006

Standing by the truth

If we look at a dying tree, we see many branches, some dead, some barely alive, some brittle and without leaves. The plant is not pretty to look at any longer. It has lost its youthfulness and we are ready to cut it down. The three of humanity is quite similar. The world is full of people with many branches of though and there is no harmony amongst them.

In today's world, the truth is no longer important. Rather, people want to hear false praises, falsehoods and live in a world economy of a country can be built on a falsehood and this is dangerous.

Good seeds produce a completely new way of existence. They are not filed with defective qualities bereth of purpose, but rather, they turn humans into peaceful and happy people.

Just compare what we have learned from human beings and what we have become through introspection and silence. Are we free from worries, preoccupations or concerns about our future? Are we constantly giving and forgiving? In our answer is no, we have not realised how beautiful truth is.

However, through introversion and reflection of innate qualities, we will be surprised at how much we do not know and how much we can enrich our lives. If we learn to destroy the old within and replace it with all the new things, we become part of those who have new blood.

When i am thruthful, my words and actions will become equal. I will then do what I say and only say what I do. Because of this truthfulness, I will continue to receive love, regard and trust from everyone.

When no one stands by me. I need to make sure that I stand by Thruth.

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